Sunday, May 14, 2006

Famous or Infa....

The Election fever was getting into everyone.

Dont know what Rapper was thinking. But then, he organised for a message to be sent out to his friends expressing his desire to get a drive ino people's minds with respect to the elections.

Someone in his group of so-called trusted lot decided to think otherwise. Since, we dont know his name, we will call him Hollow Man. So, Hollow Man sends the same private email to someone else who doesnt qualify to read this email. Now, this is the third person and we will call him Mr.Four.

Mr.Four sends the same to his group of friends and also decides to give a flavor of humor to the message, but doesnt manage to achieve that effectively.

Amidst all this, either Hollow Man or Mr.Four had sent Rapper's initial email to other people in the Student Community, who took things to their full advantage and started abusing (not really abusing, but making the best of someone's worst situation).

Ms.Brown had to take the initiative of bringing out a reasonable answer to what had happened all this while, but things got out of control and the backfire started.

In less than 10 mins after all this had started, Mr.Bore displayed his writing skills. And then, the mails kept pouring in for a while until the Rapper acknowledged for what had happened all this while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome post, one of the best I have ever read. One small correction, it took Mr. Bore 16 mins to reply. :)