Wednesday, May 10, 2006

37 Point 5

37.5 is the latest buzzword on campus.

What's all this? Well, 37.5 is the average score of all Groups that have submitted the last week's Economics Assignment.

So, what is the maximum one could have got? Surprisingly, the maximum marks available to score was 38.

The picture shows a few of my friends eagerly checking whether they got the highest possible score or not.

On that note, we come to an end of today's events.

The Marketing case was discussed today in three classes, if I am not wrong. Apparently, groups had to choose one of the three marketing options that were available to a particular paint company and justify the same with relevant facts and figures.

In the first section, 40% of people chose Option A and the rest chose Option B.
In the next one, 100% chose option B and finally in our section, 7% chose Option A and another 7% chose Option C. The rest were hands-down for Option B. Atleast, I can say that we had a better diversity compared to the other sections, which also led to exciting discussions.

1 comment:

Rhapsoder said...

Wow.. someone actually chose option B? Hmm, my whole section TOTALLY ruled out that option. Wonder what he taught in their section :-)