Monday, November 27, 2006

Strictly come sleeping

An awesome video of all the people who were sleeping in class. Compiled by Ruchi, Sriram and Jagjit in Section-C, this captures those wonderful moments in Class right from the beginning of this year. I quite happy that most of the pictures that I have taken of sleeping children are part of this video.

Now, you guys enjoy the video.

Many Thanks to my Nokia 6230i


Venkat said...

mama where is your sleepy pic? dont tell me u ve never slept in class!

If not, do it this term. Its one of the graduation requirements. (Graded)

Mama said...

actually, during core terms i didnt sleep in class. or rather i couldnt be caught sleeping in class. it wasnt so evident. but today, mansi caught me sleeping!!! now, i can definitely graduate.