Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Midnight Masala

69 emails till now, well if that number suggests something connected to the title of this post. nothing really.

prabhu, vivek and i decided to get a cuppa tea when it was close to 12. we walked up to the cafe, as usual discussing about electives, bidding and girls. then doc called us and gave us a shocker message. that was somewhere closer to few minutes after midnight.

the morning exam had been postponed to a different date. why, because the prof decided so.

background: copies of the book prescribed for the course were not available for some reason or the other. lets not worry about that. and this issue had been raised by concerned ppl in the student body to the profs and the institute. and then, our student representatives have been so efficient in handling this that they have left this hanging in the air till 10 hrs before the exam, without getting a proper resolution on time. and finally, we get an email that its postponed.

so who should we blame? some people blame the institute for sending a late message like this, when people have spent hours preparing for the exam. well they were not worried about the non-availability of the book. and they still prepared.

some people blame the student reps for having sat on this for such a long time, when this problem was identified since day one.

no, we cant blame the prof. the prof had to make a decision and she perhaps made the right one.

but why is all this happening. you are taught "root cause analysis". McKinsey comes here and conducts a 4 hr session with everyone to help them make Issue Trees to understand problems, talks about "mutually exclusive, completely exhaustive". After all this, you still make decisions at 00.00 hrs. Is it an auspicious time to make an announcement?

I think I have taken 5 minutes to write all this and the email count has increased to 85.

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