Sunday, October 15, 2006

Longest Term Break Ends

The longest term break of about 10 days will end in about a minute now. People have gotten back and more people are getting back. The grind begins from tomorrow. Just that 418 people will not be doing the same courses. There is scope for diversification.

The last week hasnt been great as such. To keep my fitness levels at the peak, I made sure that I played frisbee everyday. It was great fun. On the projects side, we did a couple of interviews and gathered data. I dont know how much of this is true, but most people who are doing projects here with the big names in the industry believe that the MBA students are just being used to do market research. And I dont disagree at all. I see most people doing that. Well, I guess we must also understand that in the given 3 months for a project, wherein we dont even spend full hours everyday to do project work, we cant expect anything better. Yes, there are a few strategy projects, but finally it ends up being focused on research because the company has a plan but they need information to formulate the strategy.

My friends from Pakistan have come. Myself and Parul had been to the airport to receive them. Sooner, I'll get their photographs up on the blog.

Dr.Rangarajan, the ex-RBI governor and also the ex-governor of AP has started his series of lectures on macroeconomics and policy issues. its a pass-fail course, so no credits. a lot of us are doing it just for the thrills of listening to such a learned person. today we were discussing about macro theories and india in general. and during his lecture he was telling - "recession is when your neighbor is out of a job and depression is when you are also out of a job" and thats the difference between the two.

life on the fast lane just starts in a few hours from now and im already tired.

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