Saturday, January 06, 2007

Tea or Coffee?

My term 6 exams were done today. After a gap of one week, we played a refreshing frisbee game today and I am not at all tired. Term 7 starts on Monday. One member from our friends circle has already left to Kenan Flagler on exchange. A number of other people have also left to other schools in US and Europe. And then we have about 15 students who have come on exchange. They'll be spending the coming term or two with us.

Anyway, when all this was happening, I was also looking at the isb-pgp yahoogroups. One message caught my attention where the guy had asked whether he could accept tea or coffee during the interview. This is perhaps the height of preparation for an interview. Not even one person who I have given tips to regarding interviews has asked me this question. Although I appreciate the creativity of this poor soul in asking such a question, at the same time I feel so miserable thinking to what extent would people go to prepare for an interview.

Now this is like building an algorithm and then adding all such possible conditions and keeping ready answers to just spit them out at the panel. I mean, for once, cant people be a bit spontaneous and simple? Do people think that by getting answers for all such questions, they are going to be the perfect candidate. What if you made a mistake? Is the whole world going to crumple down?

And then there are guys who want to prepare in the next three months. they want to know what books to read, like accounting, basic management and stuff like that. im like - come on guys!! take a break, meet your friends, family and spend some time travelling. and they are - can i read the 10 day MBA book? I was like what the hell is that?

one thing i can definitely tell all you book reading enthusiasts. after you come here, you'd probably regret that you spent all your time reading some goddamm accounting manual. becos you'll just be doing that and a lot more in all those 49 weeks. again this is the effect of trying to overprepare.

anyway, certain things will not change. although i dont know, but i am sure there were enuff people in my batch as well who would have asked the same questions when they got their admits last year. history repeats.

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