Friday, July 21, 2006

Competitive Strategy

Strategy was perhaps the best course we had this term. 10 case studies of some of the best companies in the world and a final assignment in the lines of competition and strategy - that means that you had to prepare for a case every class. A case that
ran into 30 odd pages with serious exhibits and lots of numbers. Addding on to the case was a chapter/article related to the concept discussed in the case. Add another 30 pages.

The course was handled by Prof.Harbir Singh and Prof.Nandini Lahiri. Prof.Harbir is the head of the strategy research cell in Wharton. Who wouldn't want to learn from a person who knew Rajat Gupta from IIT Days.

So, here we have a course highlight with the list of cases and the strategy concepts associated:

Coca Cola and Pepsi - Industry Analysis
Nucor Steel - Competitive Advantage
Intel - Sustainability and Core Competence
Jollibee - Global Strategy
Eli Lilly - Strategic Alliances
Cisco - Strategic Acquisitions
Dell - Competitive Interaction
Walmart - Well, this had a number of concepts - mostly with sustainability
McKinsey - Strategy Implementation
Johnson and Johnson - Corporate Culture

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