Thursday, August 03, 2006

The last weekend and this week

When I come to think of what happened during the last weekend, well, so many things did happen. I just didnt have the time to write all that. On top of all what happened, there were assignments and I was a bit unwell.

Corporate Finance assignment was the best I would say. We were given the Marriott case and were supposed to calculate some beta stuff. I still havent figured out what that means because I was busy doing the Operations Management assignment that was due the same day. During the class, Prof.Chowdhry mentioned a particular method and asked us whether we did that. More than 95% of the class said Yes and raised our hands. Then he said "Engineers put their hands down" and 99% of the raised hands went down. And then he said, "you engineers always do this wrong, every year!!!". Again, finance seems like shooting in the dark.

During the last weekend, we had the Punjabi or Bhangra Party. My section i.e. Section-C hosted the party.

On Saturday, a person dubbed as the B2B Queen visited the ISB to share her thoughts on entrepreneurship. A very inspirational talk for all wannabe entrepreneurs. Btw, the queen's name is Vani Kola. You can google up details about her ventures. Now that google has become a verb, I am trying to use it as extensively as possible.

On Sunday, we had the ACE Quiz, a corporate quiz that was conducted by our own JK (ISB Alum). Delloitte went on to win the wonderful quiz. The even was managed by Net Impact Club at ISB and Asha - Hyderabad Chapter. ISB did not participate in the Quiz - who wants to pay 5000 bucks. Thats one month's food expense in that Sarovar Dining Hall. But still, we participated in the Prelims and two ISB Team topped the prelims (this prelims did not include the corporates). Later, we found out that one of our teams could have made the finals because our top score was well within the cut-off for the corporates. Anyway, we had our fun. I got to answer a question and got a gift voucher for 100 bucks.

On Saturday night, we also managed to screen Panchathanthiram for all the Tamil gang. Though, very few people turned up, we had an amazing time watching the movie inside a lecture theatre with awesome sound. This is what I dont like about any Tamil gang. This happened in BITS also. All the Gults and Choms are together, whatever and whenever. But Tamils - they think too much. And this was also mentioned in a tamil movie - the tamil crab story.

So, that was the re-cap.

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